Our Premises

  • The Western Patten Diet (WPD) is a key contributor to the US health crisis.
  • As GDP per capita in developing economies improves, the Western diet will be adopted increasingly broadly and will contribute to a global health crisis.
  • Asking people to change their diets is an uphill battle, particularly when food companies invest billions of dollars in advertising promoting the Western diet.
  • When it comes to the food-health relationship, it is more about what we don’t eat than what we do eat.

Our Approach

  • Use our unique perspective on the problem to discover novel practical solutions that could be adopted quickly on a mass scale and have the potential to make a big impact urgently.
  • Incorporate solutions into everyday foods that people already love to eat.
  • Leverage off-the-shelf synbio tools to develop engineered probiotics to intercept excess, unhealthy compounds in WPD and convert them into functional nutrients critically missing in WPD, thereby transforming functional nutrient delivery.

Leveraging the transformative power of digital biology

We utilize state-of-the-art synthetic biology tools to unlock the transformative power of digital biology.

Our innovation cycle:

  • Design: In-silico design of metabolic pathways for integration into probiotic genome(s).
  • Build: Engineer designer probiotic strains with precision gene editing technology.
  • Test: Iteratively test strains for the production of specific functional nutrients under in vitro and in vivo conditions.
  • Learn: Apply machine learning AI across complex transcriptomic, postbiotic and microbiome data sets.

Probiotic manufacturing: leveraging established and proven microbial fermentation and encapsulation technologies; fermentation technologies and scale-up, freeze-drying, and encapsulation of active high-cfu (colony-forming units).